The Entertaining House

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We've got our House!!!

We put in a final-take-it-or-leave-it offer yesterday on House Number 1. We had only the slightest of hopes that we would get our foot in the door there. But our offer was better than none. While houses in this area are still extremely inflated they are taking a lot longer to sell. We were hoping that our ability to move in by May 1 might play to our benefit but we were not expecting any miracles. We also learned that House Number 2 could be empty by May 1. So either way we knew we would have a home.

Well, not too long ago we got a call from our realtor saying that the Owners of House Number 1 countered our take-it-or-leave-it offer by 4K. Without hesitation Don said yes! (They still got 95% of asking which is not too shabby.) We have a home... we've got our house! Break open the bubbly!