The Entertaining House

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Back by popular demand...

Thank you all for your compliments on my cartoon... here's today's version per your requests! The blue is off... I couldn't find a darker color blue among the 24000 crayons we have in the house. (You can click on it to see it better if you wish.)

Can you see the picture well enough? Can you read the text? I ought to learn how to use my scanner. My lovely husband bought me one a couple of years ago. It's in the basement in the original packaging. Probably still stapled shut. But the damn thing absolutely terrifies me! It's easier to whip out the camera and take an awkward snap shot.

I had a hard time finding something to wear today. It's 80 and fairly humid. All my summer stuff is now packed up and in the attic. I wanted something fairly cool. I chose one of my favorite shirts, but the shirt requires pants not a skirt. So I had to find a pair of pants that would not make me too hot. The shoes were the easy part.

My hair is long and it's a mess. I'm not sure what to do with it so it's still long. I'm too old for long hair, according to my mother. But really, am I supposed to cut it short and perm it like a little old lady? I don't think so! I'm still letting my bangs grow. I love my bangs when I cut them. For about a week. And then it take a year or two to grow them out. Insanity. Madness!

I had nothing to write about which is why I had sketched out a quick picture. And which is why I'm babbling.

I was going to dash off to the grocery store. And then I remembered that tonight is Back to School Night for the parents... and tomorrow is Family Fun Night. So that's two nights of no cooking. Wahoo! I was going to clean the play room but then I went up to take a look and decided to shut the door behind me instead. I was going to empty the laundry baskets in the laundry room. But I decided to close that door too! I could make my kids an after school treat... But I don't feel like cleaning up the mess. I could go through the house with my Windex bottle and clean all the nasty smears and smudges off the windows and doors. But that would require me getting off my duff. I could hang some pictures. I could make a few necessary phone calls. I hate to talk on the telephone. I could clean out the Tupperware/container cupboard. (Ohmygodwhatadisaster!) I could clean out my closet. (Ohmygodwhatadisaster!) I could take the two boxes in my bedroom to Goodwill. I could plan this weekend's menu as my parents are coming in to town on Saturday. I could polish the copper. I could go find my mother a Birthday present.

OH! OH! OH!!!!

I HAD MY GIMLET LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it did not disappoint! It was fabulously delicious and deliciously fabulous! It might be my new Go To Drink! It's crisp, clear, clean and very refreshing. It's delightfully sweet and tart. It's Perfect! It's Divine! It's all mine!

and with that I'm off... to do something... to be a little productive today... before I have my little lime-green drink ;)