The Entertaining House

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Holiday Decorating Taken to New Heights

I am so behind in my Christmas decorating this year. I usually have most everything out and in place the day after Thanksgiving. I have done nothing so far. Nothing. Nothing at all. A big fat zilch, zip, zero. I've been working on various projects and have just started a new job that I adore. It's been a remarkable adjustment returning to work after being home with the children for 12 years. I was not sure I would like it but I do. I love it! I am having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I am with the children less and wish that I was not so exhausted at the end of the day but I do find myself quickly acclimating and my energy levels fast returning. I have my sights set on something large and fabulous and I will fill you all in when the time is right.

Meanwhile I must focus on the task at hand. Christmas. Advent calendars are now out. More will come out later while I make dinner and oversee the children and their homework. I took to the internet for inspiration and the following images, while stunning made me chuckle and wonder aloud... do any of these designers have young children?

Don't forget to participate in the Preppy Plaid Photo contest to win 2 tickets to the Tartans & Tidings Holiday Event! (Click on T&T Logo on the sidebar for details!)