The Entertaining House

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How I'd like to be remembered...

As a mother of three young children almost everything I do in my life I do for my children, whether directly or indirectly. I am many things. But first I am a mother. It is my responsibility to give them the stepping stones needed to create a successful and happy life for each of them. They need to know that they are loved. They need to know that they are smart. They need to know that they are supported and will be supported in all that they do and all that they want to do. They need to know that trying new things is important. They need to make mistakes. Mistakes are integral to learning and living and growing and surviving. They need to smile. Every day. A smile will carry you far. They need to see their glasses as always being half full. A positive attitude will be their best friend. They need to be kind. They need to be cautious. They need to be curious. They need to be polite. They need to be gracious. They need to be children while they are still young. They need to be good friends - to each other as well as to their peers. They need to be independent thinkers and yet they need to learn to play on a team. They need to learn that their friends won't necessarily think like they do. They need to learn that this doesn't make their friends wrong.

As their mother I am their role model. It is up to me to ensure that these goals are all met and followed daily. We talk about their friends and school. I want them to be model citizens. It all starts at home and in the classroom. I also want them to be successful and I want them to follow their passions. Finding and following their passions, to me, is the most important of all.

Life is tricky. There are many twists and turns, bumps and glitches along it's path. It's important, therefore, to have something to be passionate to fall back on or lean on or go to when life hits one of those rough patches. I have my writing and my photography (and my blog!) I have a good pair of running shoes and my iPhone with all my favorite songs. I have the most fabulous and supportive friends.

It is important that my children think of me as more than just a mother. I am more. I am much more. I want them to know and to see first hand how much I love life. I want them to see that I notice all the small details around me... that I have the ability to see just how beautiful life is, even when the storm is directly overhead. I want them to see how I interact with my friends. I want them to see me taking care of myself -- physically and emotionally. I want them to see me following my passions and working hard. I hope one day soon they see me as successful in their eyes. I want them to see me as multi-faceted. Because yes, I am and always will be their mother, but I am and always will be so much more.

I want my children to be proud of me.

I also want my children to see how my friends remember me - really enjoying life!

"She had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair!"

image via Pinterest

Happy Sunday and may you all take some time out to enjoy today! 
