Merry ChristMess!
My children have had three Christmases. They had a lovely one at home and then one with each set of grandparents. With every gift comes a new mess! The paper, the tags, the strings, the cardboard, the plastic, the twist ties, the shreds of everything that show up for days to come no matter how many times you've run the vacuum through the house. I have three children and we are officially overrun with toys. I told the children yesterday that they each need to find 10 toys that have not been used to donate. (I'm aiming for 15 ... I know I will have to pull a few on the sly!) I hate mess. I hate clutter and I hate chaos. I believe in throwing 10 things away every day - even if just 10 pieces of paper. I am not a packrat - though I was as a child and I tend to purge more than I hoard. We have a nice sized home and yet I feel as though, simply put, there's too much crap in here!
It's supposed to be blustery out today. And cold. So we'll load up the back of the car with unused toys that are still in good shape. If I'm lucky I may even be able to fill up a garbage bag! I won't get my hopes up too high. I'd also like to start putting some of the Christmas decorations away. See above note re my issue with clutter and chaos. However this makes the children sad. The end of the Christmas season is almost upon us. (In my opinion the season officially ends on New Year's Day.) My children will be sad. So I'll preserve their Christmas a little longer. We'll do some crafts this afternoon. We'll do some crafts using our Christmas cards. We'll craft, we'll recycle and we'll have some fun!
I love the idea of collecting all the cards together in a book - especially with photo cards. What a great way to watch children grow over the years!
Cut out cards to create gift tags or place settings for future Christmas place settings.
Simple cut out letters make lovely and practical gift tags.
One could also cut out the alphabet to use as flash cards for the younger set.
Festive holiday garland to be enjoyed by everyone!
Create mini trees by recycling old cards.
This is one of my favorite ideas! Take a picture of photo cards and then use the pictures to mark your contacts!
I love this as a Thank you card. I plan on cutting out these words from our existing Christmas cards and posing my kids. What a great way to send a thank you note. These can be done right from a printer at home!
Warm and Happy Holiday Wishes to you!
It's supposed to be blustery out today. And cold. So we'll load up the back of the car with unused toys that are still in good shape. If I'm lucky I may even be able to fill up a garbage bag! I won't get my hopes up too high. I'd also like to start putting some of the Christmas decorations away. See above note re my issue with clutter and chaos. However this makes the children sad. The end of the Christmas season is almost upon us. (In my opinion the season officially ends on New Year's Day.) My children will be sad. So I'll preserve their Christmas a little longer. We'll do some crafts this afternoon. We'll do some crafts using our Christmas cards. We'll craft, we'll recycle and we'll have some fun!
I love the idea of collecting all the cards together in a book - especially with photo cards. What a great way to watch children grow over the years!
Cut out cards to create gift tags or place settings for future Christmas place settings.
Simple cut out letters make lovely and practical gift tags.
One could also cut out the alphabet to use as flash cards for the younger set.
Festive holiday garland to be enjoyed by everyone!
Create mini trees by recycling old cards.
This is one of my favorite ideas! Take a picture of photo cards and then use the pictures to mark your contacts!
I love this as a Thank you card. I plan on cutting out these words from our existing Christmas cards and posing my kids. What a great way to send a thank you note. These can be done right from a printer at home!
Warm and Happy Holiday Wishes to you!