The Entertaining House

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it's Monday... Myday...

and it's been a week since my last blog post...

Forgive me please! 
Seems as though I'm suffering from a terrible case of Blogger's Block!
I just hate when this happens.
How can I, a girl of so many words, a writer to boot, not be able to think of a single thing to say?

via Colorcrazed.tumblr

Mondays can be hard. Mondays are even harder when you have to get up an hour earlier!
It's darker outside...
We're groggier....
We can't drag ourselves out from beneath our warm beds... it's much too cold out there...
But we have no choice.
So up and at 'em!


I'm wishing you all a wonderful, laughter and sunshine-filled day!
Go ahead and indulge in something if you must..
It's Monday... which I've taken to mean as Myday!

via Tumblr. (original source removed)

Go ahead you deserve it!
And you may need a little boost today...
You may need to refuel...
to recharge your engines...
I know I will!

Pinned Image
image by den-sh via Flickr

Perhaps an Afternoon Delight?
(I'm quite certain I could not stop at just one!) 

Oh god. Muffins can get stuffed.

Are you like me?
Does your mind drift off?
To the future?
To the past?
To sandy beaches with bright blue waters?
Sunsets on a great lawn?
Fireworks overhead on a clear star filled night?

via Flickr

Remember this... It's Monday... which means Myday!


