The Entertaining House

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Magnificent Monday... Magnificent My Day!

It's Monday... A new week, a new day, a new beginning... new chances...
Start it right! Start it well!

Unfortunately, my breakfast never looks like this.
Pinterest, original source unknown

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Take a minute or two to yourself... think about all that you'd like to accomplish today, all that you'd like to accomplish this week... make a list... write it down, the old fashioned way!

leather note books #work #office #desktop #accessory #colorful #supplies #leather #color #colorful #recycled #notebook #journal #notes #note #book

I keep notebooks everywhere I go... in my bag, in my car, and in practically every room of my home! Technology will never replace the feel of pen on paper... there's nothing like flipping through old notebooks... they're our own personal history books!

Have you always wanted to keep a journal but never knew what to write about? Never much liked writing? Never really felt inspired? Well, you can keep a dream/goals journal, an inspirational journal, a doodle journal, picture journal, photo journal... There are so many ways to document our dreams, desires and goals and there's nothing like looking back on the pen-filled pages!

Start a letter journal... share the journal with a loved one or child. Take turns writing letters to one another...
Start a summer journal and document all the fun stuff you'll be doing this summer. I find that writing things down is the greatest way to get out there and accomplish what you want!

It's Monday... put on some fabulous jewelry... Fun jewelry always makes me happy!

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Go ahead... treat yourself to a little something special!

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 If you have to work get outside and go for a walk, or bring a book and get lost in a great story... go sit out in the sun and let the warm rays caress your neck and shoulders, kiss your cheeks!

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Never forget....


Reach out to a close friend you haven't heard from in a while...
pick up the phone, a pen or hit the send button...

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Don't forget to let others know how you feel about them...
Everyone loves to feel special!

The Simply Luxurious Life

 Surround yourself with flowers...

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 and don't forget to celebrate the wonderfulness of it all... because it's a Magnificent Monday... Magnificent My Day!

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Make your Monday a Magnificent one!

