The Entertaining House

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The Write Stuff :: A Sharpie Just for me, and you!

This is huge. This is a big deal. This is a big, big deal. I will go so far as to say that this is EPIC!
I've you're a Sharpie lover you will agree. You will love me. If you don't already, you will fall in love with me for sharing this idea with you. You will see these and swoon... You will fall head over heals in love with these. If you're already madly in love with them you will love them more. Madly-er. Deeper! I promise. Because what I am about to share with your will forever alter your life. I know it has mine.

Did you know you can create your own Sharpie? Add your name. Add your business name, your Twitter handle, your blog name. You could write a note of inspiration. Or just a note.

Because if you're like me and you live in a Sharpie lovin' house then you need the above. My daughter has her own Sharpies. In a rainbow of colors. They're all missing. And so, now, are mine. But she says that mine are hers. And I am calling her a big fat liar! And when I get my own, I will be able to prove it to her. But maybe, just maybe I will be nice to her and get her some of her own... a nice inspirational message just for her!

But the possibilities of what I can write are endless....
This is nice, isn't it? It has a lovely ring to it, don't you think?

What about this one? Has a sweet ring to it, I think!

I think this is a business must!

Now tell me, how much do you love me?
I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!



PS. I DID see this first on Pinterest... some wonderful design blog and I cannot for the life of me remember which one... if you are the owner of the blog or know who wrote that blog would you kindly let me know so I can give the person the credit she deserves? Thank you!!