The Entertaining House

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Stylish Notes on Decor from London :: Kind Finds from Across the Pond

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

I was asked, by Veronika Miller, Founder of Modenus, to come up with my favorite part of BlogTour London and I really truly cannot. When I first came home a week ago my mind was a blur with images that seemed to have no beginning or end. What did I like about my trip? All of it, of course! So now, with a little distance behind me my answer remains the same. I cannot think of one event or one place that was a favorite. And the reason that I cannot pick just one favorite is that I got so very much out of every bit of my trip... whether it was the visual stimulation from the 4 design shows, 4 showrooms and 2 museums we attended, or the cab rides I took to each event that allowed me to really get to know these amazing and incredible people. We all have a story. We all have events or situations that make us stronger and being let in to these private moment developed bonds that will never fade. How could I not mention food and drink? An integral part of our trip, I daresay, where we all laughed and told stories (and in some cases sang!) and enjoyed delightful meals and tapas, wine and prosecco... Laughter and love was always in the air.

This was very much a learning journey for me. I am not a designer but I come from a background deeply steeped  in the arts and design. I am alive in big cities. I am alive when surrounded by people. I am alive when surrounded by the arts. In fact, this was the first time in many, many years I have felt so alive... so very much myself. As a single mother trying to manage career, children and everything that comes in between, I don't have much "me" time. This was the first time, perhaps, since I had my first child nearly 15 years ago, that I did something purely for me. And so as both emotion and intellect and aesthetics are all intermingled, this was truly the journey of a lifetime for me... a journey that hopefully will lead to many more. And so, Veronika, I thank you personally for this journey of a lifetime! xoxo

But to ask me about one particular favorite? No way, no how! I will keep sharing all the wonderful finds and experiences. Following are details from items found at the Decorex show in the Kensington Gardens. It was perhaps the most upscale of all the shows, but the same themes rang through all - design, craft, bespoke, color, pattern, craft... In the images below you will notice lots of color and design... lots of tactile textile - fabrics and wallpapers that are visually and texturally layered with pattern and color. You will see bespoke handles (pay attention to the long brass handle in the shape of a gun and the two skull knobs). You will see a unique tub created to look like a hammock, a chandelier that looks as though it should fly off with Peter Pan to Never Never Land. You will see bespoke lamps and other accessories that are brimming with bright color. You will see gold, silver and shiny. And you will see the intricate detail of a faucet handle that has a very Middle Eastern feel to it. To me it's all in the detail, and in this post I have brought you some of the detail as seen through the lens of my camera.

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

I hope you enjoyed my kind finds -
There will be more tomorrow from the incredible Andrew Martin!

