The Entertaining House

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Stylish Notes on for a Simple, Slow Thanksgiving

I'm not fussy when it comes to my parties, my tables and my lifestyle. By fussy I mean frivolous. I grew up with the beliefs, in both home and in fashion that less is more. A grand statement piece, or a simple piece that makes a grand statement is all that's needed. I'm sure much of my love of all things simple has much to do with my upbringing - but such is my personality. Versailles is lovely to look at, but I'd never want to live there. I want to look like I've put time and thought into my home and dress, but I don't ever want to look as though I've spent hours doing so... I want everything to look easy and effortless. Not fussy.

And this is how I entertain. While of course how everything looks is important, but if I'm throwing a party, having a small dinner party or hosting a holiday meal, there's more than meets the eye than how decked out your holiday table may or may not be. The table setting is just a part of it. The atmosphere, food and conversation is equally important. You don't ever want to be so wrapped up in your decor, prep or meal so that you totally lose focus as to what you're doing. How can you host a party when the host is nowhere to be seen?

Don't overcomplicate things. Keep it is simple, slow down. Your holiday table can be both elegant and simple. Plan everything out in advance. Where will your serving pieces be? Will you be creating a buffet of sorts or will everything be placed directly on the table? If you plan on having all your food on the table you'll need to make sure there is plenty of space for them. Centerpieces may be best kept to a minimum. Focus instead on the individual place settings. Below are some lovely, beautiful and simple ideas to dress up your holiday table without too much time and effort. Enlist the children if you can. Setting and creating a Thanksgiving table can be a lovely and fun family project. Set the table a day or two ahead of time so that there will be less rushing around on Thanksgiving day yourself. Do this with your food as well. If you plan and prepare in advance you will be so much happier and so much more relaxed and you will have time to enjoy your company and your food!
