Stylish notes on Decor :: Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Jessica Moseley Gordon
via Apartment Therapy
I'm very much influenced by my grandmother's taste, style and sensibilities - well, sort of her sensibilities! My grandmother was a huge fan of color. She was a master at finding everything at a bargain - she knew where to skip and where to splurge. She had an old fashioned style with a modern touch. She was timeless and everything she touched became timeless. To see her homes of yesterday photographed in various magazines you would think they were all very current editions. And so her thoughts and opinions on decor, style, interiors and architecture are relevant today... I'd share some images but I am hoping one day that they will appear in a much larger publication, so I can't. But I can share her philosophies. She was a minimalist. She thought the furniture ought to compliment the architecture of a room. She was a minimalist in the truest sense of the word. I'm less of a minimalist but I adore color and have a great appreciation for the architecture of older homes. My grandmother was also a huge fan of the mirror. She believed in them completely. They open up spaces, making small rooms seem larger. They can brighten up spaces, especially when strategically placed to let natural daylight bounce off of them. Placed across a window, a mirror can seemingly double the light and size of a room. A feng-shui expert may feel differently about placing mirrors across from windows, however. Mirrors can also serve as an elegant and affordable means to add decor and art to your space.
My favorite mirror was in one of the bathrooms of my grandmother's Manor House in a small village called called Great Haseley. (If the town sounds remotely familiar you may be thinking her her dear friend, Nancy Lancaster, also an American expat living in the UK who lived quite literally down the road in Little Haseley.) In the Manor House there was a bathroom that looked out over the front of the house with views of the expansive front lawn and the endless fields beyond. There were white wooden shutters that we could draw to a close, and did once the sun set, but other than that I always left them open. Directly across from the window was a deep, old, claw footed bathtub and the wall against it contained an enormous mirror. So if you bathed during the daylight hours, as I often did, you could pretend, as I did, that you were in the middle of an endless English field with no one around you for miles and miles and miles. For my incredible view was reflected in the vast mirror. Only thing missing? A few sheep and cows in the fields! The sunsets, needless to say, were positively magnificent from that vantage point!
Really, there's no room that's not a perfect place to park or perch your mirror. As you'll see from the images below, a mirror is striking in any setting from kitchen to bedroom to living room, entry way, and bathroom. What's best about mirrors is that they complement any style. They're perhaps the perfect accessory for your home.