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Dalgona: The Whipped Coffee trend that's become TikTok Famous

Dalgona: The Whipped Coffee trend that's become TikTok Famous

The Greeks, The Italians and the South Koreans have their version of this whipped coffee treat that’s suddenly become an internet sensation, and if I didn’t have a Gen Z kid I, admittedly, would know nothing about it. The best thing about this delicious drink is that it requires no expensive equipment or exotic ingredients. In fact this recipe calls for just 4 ingredients, 5 if you include ice cubes. You’ll also need a whisk, a measuring spoon and a bowl to mix your ingredients. That’s it. Nothing more. Dalgona, or Whipped Coffee, couldn’t be easier to make!

How to make Dalgona, or Whipped Coffee

How to make Dalgona, or Whipped, Coffee

Serves 2


2 TBS instant coffee
2 TBS sugar
2 TBS HOT water

In a medium sized bowl add your coffee, sugar and hot water and start whisking, within a minute or so you will see the coffee mixture turn from dark brown to a caramel color. The longer you whip the lighter the color and the foamier the texture. Whip until the mixture starts to form peaks not unlike freshly whipped cream.

When you’ve reached your desired consistency take 2 glasses and fill with ice and about 1 cup of milk in each glass. Divide mixture evenly to both glasses, and serve it with the foamy mixture on top. Stir gently when you are ready to sip away.

Cut ingredients to 1 TBS for single servings.

Note that any milk can be used - from Skim to Whole, Almond, Soy or Oat.

How to make Dalgona Whipped Coffee

Dalgona: The Whipped Coffee trend that's become TikTok Famous

How to make Dalgona Whipped Coffee

Dalgona: The Whipped Coffee trend that's become TikTok Famous