The Entertaining House

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SMART Goals :: 5 Steps to Achievable Results

The reason, perhaps, so many of us have trouble realizing goals, sticking to resolutions and achieving certain levels of success is because we aren't specific enough, and the manner in which we look to goals is no different that making a wish, vague and open-ended. In order to be successful, one needs to have specific and realistic ideas in mind. No matter what your own goals may be, whether personal or professional, SMART Goal setting is simple and achievable. 

SMART is an acronym for Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant and Timely.

A simple goal is one that is very specific thus making it much easier to accomplish.
When setting a specific goal, be sure that is is SIMPLE and be clear on what you want to accomplish.

A measurable goal allows you to easily track your progress.

An achievable goal is one that can easily be reached. If you have one large, longterm goal, you may want to break it down to smaller goals.

A realistic goal is one you can work toward without too much of a struggle. Your goal can be high and realistic, you'll just have to recognize that you'll need to work harder at it and find ways to keep motivated.

A timely goal is one with a specific time frame. A goal without a timeframe is, as they say, just a dream. You need to set your parameters. I like creating goals that are reachable within a week or two. Longer, and the chance for failure is greaters. 

You can use a calendar, weekly agenda or a simple notebook, your goals can relate to anything - career, health, homefront.

1. Simple
Decide what your goal will be

2. Measurable
Figure out how you will strive to achieve this goal. Write down your goals

3. Achievable
Put the above into action

4. Relevant
Note results of above and how you might need to follow up or alternate your plan

5. Timely
Give yourself a deadline, write down the date. 

Perhaps your goal is health related. It might look like this:

1. Lose 5 pounds

2. Buy healthy food at grocery store

3. Work out 3 days - write down which three days

4. Keep a food journal

5. Weigh yourself at the end of one week. This is particularly helpful if you have a greater goal in mind. By breaking it into smaller, smarter and more achievable goals the more likely you are to see those favorable results. 

Here's to setting and reaching our SMART Goals!