Ice Cream Balls and Magic Hat Circus Boy Beer
Poor Alexander. He was so excited to get back to the beach today and play with all the cousins and swim and ride his boogie board in the ocean. We had a lot to do this morning which included getting groceries for the week (almost $400 worth -- Oye vey!) and then coming back, unloading the groceries, cleaning up and making lunch. We finally got to the beach at 11:30, just in time for Alexander to fall asleep in the jogger. I am not going to complain about this. I will never complain when the opportunity presents itself to me to sit on my rump! It turned out, however, not to be such a great thing for Alexander who was fast asleep in the stroller. Alexander, who wanted to go to the beach more than anyone. We had been there less than an hour when suddenly the sky went from blue to black in a matter of seconds, and in a matter of seconds we all had to repack everything we had just come to unpack. Alexander woke up just in time to see the beach flying past him.
It's been thundering and raining for over four hours. Four hours of building with those big cardboard blocks and playing with cars and army guys and puzzles, and four hours of trying to keep Alexander from sticking everything into all the outlets. These past four plus hours have not been devoid of fun. Mine began with a Magic Hat Circus Boy beer and the boys all made vanilla ice cream in an ice cream ball with vanilla, sugar, half and half and some rock salt. I take my Magic Hat off to them. They did a magnificent job! Such a magnificent job there is none left for Rebecca who is off at her grandmother's house playing with her cousin. Shhh! Don't tell... we'll make more tomorrow!