The Entertaining House

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One Last Hurrah

We are headed back to Newport for a couple of days to see Moo and Popsy at their house one last time this summer. We'll have our last splashes in their pool and do all the fun things we love to do. It's the last time (this summer) I will have to endure the bickering and whining in the car. Summer is almost over and fall is almost here. It's that fabulous time of the year when school is almost near! We have much to do still. We have school supplies to buy and clothes and shoes to get. Class parties (3 this year!) to attend. There are a couple of things I would like to try to fit in before the summer is over. And then I think I will safely be able to look back and say what a great summer it was. We've done a lot and relaxed a lot. The kids look healthy and well rested. And they're getting a touch restless and bored. We have had a truly lovely summer and we are ready for fall. In addition to the list of items I have to complete before school starts, I have a long list of things I want to do once school starts. Of course, not one thing on my list involves children!

Mommy's Back to School List
(Things I want to do After September 3rd)

-- get a manicure and pedicure
-- get some "school" clothes for myself
-- hang out at the bookstore cafe and peruse all the books
-- go for long morning walks
-- dust off and use my treadmill
-- play tennis on the wii and NOT play with anyone!
-- clean the house thoroughly from top to bottom, one room at a time
-- make many trips to Goodwill, going through one room at a time
-- meet with painters and paint living room, dining room and master bedroom
-- sit and do nothing, absolutely nothing, and have a cup of coffee and watch some adult TV... anything as long as it is not a children's show

Do you have your own back to school list you would like to share?