The Entertaining House

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Are you baking an apple pie?

I love apple pie. Seriously a warm slice a la mode with really rich, decadent vanilla ice cream is one of the finer things in life. It's even better than Pumpkin Spiced Latte, and go figure, about trice the calories!

In the fall there is nothing better than those comforting aromas coming from your kitchen. And wouldn't you guess apple pie is one of my all time favorite aromas. Here's how you can enjoy that fresh baked aroma without adding all those inches to your milieu!

Place a large or medium pan on the stove. Turn the heat to high and get the water to boil. Meantime add a couple of apples* -- any kind will do -- and cut them in to fat wedges or slices. No need to discard stems or seeds. Add a couple of Cinnamon sticks, and some cloves, even some vanilla if you like. When the water boils, turn the heat to low and soon your home will smell wonderfully delicious! Do be sure to check the water level from time to time and refill as needed.

In the fall we have lots of apples around the house. We eat them and decorate with them. Sometimes they start to turn before they can be consumed. I hate to toss those apples that are a little too ripe for eating, and this is a wonderful way of using them!

You will definitely want to make sure you have a nice blanket, book or a laptop so you can read all my posts (!) and a warm cup of tea to settle down with on a nice cozy spot on the couch as your home fills with the sweet smells of Autumn.