The Entertaining House

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Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday already. I can hardly believe it! Another week almost over. Another month down. Tis the season for ghosts and ghouls and goblins. The kids are all ready to get their costumes and go to the basement and dust off (first we have to find the box!) their Halloween supplies. They love Halloween as much as Christmas. I have to admit that I do too!

The kids had no school yesterday. It was Rosh Hashana. I guess (in Connecticut) it has become a national holiday. I never had it off as a kid. I was happy they had it off yesterday, though. What was supposed to be an overcast and dreary day turned out to be nothing less than spectacular. I guess we were not the only people who thought it would be a perfect day to pick apples and pumpkins. The line of cars trying to get into the farm down the road was incredible. So incredible that we bagged that idea altogether. Instead we went to the sand castle playground down by the beach and then went out for ice cream afterwards. I had pumpkin ice cream! It was divine... as good (maybe better!) than my Pumpkin Spiced Latte!

Not only did we have a great day but somehow it ended up being an extremely productive one as well. I got beds and sheets changed. I managed and updated my excel spreadsheet for the wrapping paper fundraiser for school. I did laundry. I put laundry away! I ran the dishwasher. I put the dishes away! I cleaned the kitchen and scrubbed the floor -- Admittedly that was because somehow a bowl of raisin bran ended up on the floor!

We lounged in after a very late night at a Japanese restaurant the night before. Our friend's daughter was celebrating her 7th Birthday and a few families were invited. We had our own, private room and the kids could be kids without having to be totally quiet and sit completely still. My boys had never been to a Japanese restaurant before and they adored it! They adored everything about it from the chef's fancy knife-work, to the fire, to the way the food was cooked to the food itself!

And the adults had a wonderful time too. It was a good thing that yesterday was a holiday as we did not get home until after 10:00! Christopher, who is not a terribly big fan of restaurants (and Mickey D's and Friendly's are NOT -- in my book -- restaurants!) loved the food so much he ate everything off his plate and then finished what his brother had not eaten! On our way out he told me that he wanted his Birthday dinner there too!

Yesterday we pulled out all the Peanuts videos. I need to get them on DVD, right now they are the old VHS variety. We have one working VHS player and hooked it up to the family room TV. The kids enjoyed It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and A Charlie Brown Christmas. As my friend Lynne said when I told her this, "Nothing says Happy Rosh Hashana like A Charlie Brown Christmas!"
And since today is the first day of October, I think the holiday season is officially upon us! Off to the races!