The Entertaining House

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Kiss me Lova!

Meet my Pumpkin Spice Kiss! Isn't he cute? And sooo yummy too! If you love your Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte as much as I do, but don't love all the calories (380 for a GWPSL) then you will die over this! Same yummy pumpkin spice flavor. But, only 220 calories for 9 Kisses! That's just a tad more than 25 calories per Kiss! It just doesn't get better than that... now I just have to try this concoction of adding a couple of these to my coffee as mentioned by Keri.

I think we need a Pumpkin Spice Lovers Club... What to you all think?

Ps. These too were found at the Great Tarjay! I had looked everywhere locally I could imagine and this was the only place that had them.