My Funny Valentine (Gifts)!
We love Flubber! After making Play Doh for Alexander's preschool class I thought it would be fun to make something a little "more cool" for the older two... not that Play Doh is uncool by any means, but well, Flubber is cool! And so easy to make. Alexander had a blast helping me this morning. Here, again, is another fun project suitable for all ages!
Recipe for Flubber
In Bowl #1
3/4 Cups of warm water
1 Cup of glue (Elmer's)
Food coloring
In Bowl #2
2 tsp. Borax (you can get it in the grocery store -- cleaning/detergent aisle)
1/2 Cup of warm water
Stir together well mixtures in both bowls. When both bowls are well mixed pour mixture #2 into mixture #1. Stir with a rubber spatula, or just reach in with your hands to pull out a glob of Flubber!