The Entertaining House

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Three Hundred Fifty Degrees Farenheight

So the other night, just a day after the Tea Kettle Incident, I was getting ready to make dinner. I turned the oven on to preheat it, and continued doing what I was doing. When the oven beeped to let me know that the desired temperature had been reached I opened the door. As soon as I did the smoke detector started beeping furiously. No one flinched. No one moved despite the terrible sound. I started to laugh because the day before I had placed all the baking sheets, Silpats and cooling racks to dry in the top oven. Obviously I had forgotten all about them. Nothing was harmed. Nothing was burnt. No damage was done. Daddy shouted to the kids not to worry. Christopher replied "Yeah, yeah, I know. We're used to it already!" His head never moved. His eyes never once diverted from The Clone Wars on the television. Then, my smart-ass/funny daughter said "She has a food blog, Daddy. Now that's scary!"