The Entertaining House

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Mommy's Juice Box

(Mommy's Juice Box!)

it's not like me to go so many days without blogging. i've been meaning to. i've been intending to. i've just been much too busy. i had a doctor's appointment on tuesday morning. my new year's resolution was to start taking care of myself. that means going to all the doctors and dentists i keep putting off. i started off on the right foot but then moments before my annual i cancelled. fear of the scale. isn't that stupid? i rescheduled and this time i was a good girl and kept my appointment. i went! i told some friends that morning i was actually looking forward to it. a chance to lie down for a moment! who wouldn't welcome that? my doctor didn't bat an eyelash when i mentioned my weight concern. i fluctuate is what she told me. "but my jeans don't fit!" i told her. her reply, "that happens." what the heck kind of reply is that? i have three sizes of jeans in my closet. 2, 4, and 6. two of those sizes are collecting dust. i might as well give the smallest ones away. or pass them on to rebecca. cause i ain't ever going back in them. muffin tops are good to eat. better than the muffin itself. but not cute to look at. and what is it about birthing children that cause many women to muffin top over? rolls are cute on sharpeis or little babies. i hold out hope i will get in to my 4s again one day in the near future... as soon as i put this cookie down! meantime i am really not complaining about the numbers on the scale or the fact that some of my clothes have shrunk, ahhh aging, fun times! so i am healthy. like a horse. great. cause i eat like one too.

after i hopped off the table and took off my fine white paper robe and got back into my clothes i headed to greenwich avenue to peruse the shops... (remember what happened to me there last summer!?) all that wonderful eye candy... Saks, JCrew, Tiffany & Co., Restoration Hardware, Lilly Pulitzer... where there happened to be a parking spot. so i went in... right to the back where the children's stuff is. past the temptation. i found an adorable shift for rebecca.
they tried to sell me the store but i had to pas. the economy's in the crapper and i need to watch myself... and i have three children to outfit for Florida. none of their clothes fit. none of mine do either... but that's beside the point... why do i keep going back to that? anyhow... i marched right out of the store and right into my car. upon checking the car i realized i was late! i had to get to alexander in 15 minutes and he was half an hour away! but becca's dress was just too cute. and alexander would be fine...

as i drove down the avenue i was rather surprised at the closed and empty spaces. a far cry from the bustling street it was just last summer. a far cry from the sprawling gated estates covered in ivy and built in stone with acres and acres of land and more cars in their driveways than the greengrocer's parking lot... with garages larger than most people's homes... were these people feeling it too? were their 5 million dollar losses just a drop in the bucket? did they have to lay off some of their staff? did they know Bernie Madoff? were they trading in their Best & Co. outfits for those from The Children's Place? i could not help but wonder... as i drove along with the windows cranked ever so slightly listening to the Billy Joel that was blaring on the radio.

alexander had his Frida Kahlo Mexican lunch on tuesday. the food was mediocre. but he had a blast. rebecca and I participated in scrap booking party with a couple of the girls and mothers in her class. one of the girls won it in the school auction. last year's. yes, the same one i'm currently slaving over. ugh. but it was a blast. i vow never to scrapbook again because scrap booking completely sucks you in. and i get sucked in like that. look at me here. it's part of my addictive personality. and tonight rebecca had a cooking party. another friend won that at school. last year. they made pizzas and strawberry-banana smoothies and lemon italian ices. glad that she has all these friends. means i won't have to bid on anything ;) and this morning she had to give a live report of her biography. she spoke about sasha cohen, the ice skater, in the first person, and she ROCKED. i was so proud of her. (parents were invited and encourage to attend.) i love how our school trains them for public speaking so young. (starting in the second grade.) and when it was over it gave me enough time to run out and use my 30% off coupon at Old Navy and Gap. and wow, did that ever come in handy. i find that those stores are often hit or miss. but today i hit the jackpot! dotted swiss dresses, madras shorts, madras dresses, and swim trunks, seersucker shorts, brightly colored polo shirts, aqua colored chuck taylors, and bright colored flip flops... i saved about $200. and the coupon is good through sunday. of course i am pretty sure i maxed out my gap card!

and i have been cleaning, on my cleaning rampage... i managed to organize the armoire the other day. it looks great. it's the playroom that is a disaster now. alexander took everything up there, where it all belonged, at left it there, in the middle of the floor. i'll get to that tomorrow. i still have so much more to do. closets... in every room... and why is it that when you clean you actually make a bigger mess than what you had to begin with? tomorrow i have 3 friends who are helping me with the auction coming over in the morning. for coffee. and banana bread with chocolate chips. and one with cinnamon strudel. and tea, but i have no tea kettle! it'll be a working meeting. we hope to actually accomplish something. and on saturday i will be kicking the kids out. a couple of college friends are coming over for lunch. haven't seen them in ages. so i am frantically making sure my house is shiny for my company, and cooking, and planning meals. there hasn't been much time for me. but i like being busy... i really dislike being bored... good thing there's not much chance of that over the next few weeks! and now it's time to enjoy a little Mommy Juice Box!