The Entertaining House

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How to save energy and stimulate the economy the EntertainingMom way!

It's been hotter than heck here in New England. July stopped by for a visit a bit too early. I was happy to visit with her and entertain her a couple of days, but to be frank with you I am not prepared for her steamy sultry ways. I need to ease into summer slowly, one foot at a time, much like I enter a cold pool on a rather cool day. I would like to welcome May, then June into my home and then, in a timely manner, July can pay her visit.

I decided when I woke up this morning that I should conserve energy. I thought it'd be best for me not to run the washing machine, dishwasher or the vacuum cleaner. My home is quite overdue for a good cleaning which generally happens over the weekend at some point when the house is temporarily empty. But since we had a visitor, hot July, I could not just leave her to clean. And then yesterday was gorgeous as was today. I cannot tell you how desperately I need a little rain to fall! I cannot tell you how desperately my house needs a little rain to fall!

I don't want to cause the electric companies to overextend themselves and so I have put myself on an energy efficient diet of sorts. I set the thermostat to 80 so that the central air would not kick in until absolutely necessary and opened up all the windows. Achoo!

Sure there were beds to be made and laundry to be folded and put away, but that would all have to wait. I could not afford to get overheated as I would have to cave and turn on the air. I could talk on the phone and schedule appointments and take care of other, non strenuous things. I was hoping to have a chance to hop on the Internet this morning while Alexander was in school, but one thing led to another and gasp! the Internet was at the back of my mind. Ok, maybe it popped up once or twice, but then other thoughts would take over...

As I could not really be very effective at home today I needed to find other means to keep cool. This included purchases of Frapuccinos at Starbucks and ice cream at Baskin' Robbins, Ben and Jerry's and Dairy Queen. So now I was doing my best to keep my business local. I hit the local family owned hardware store and bought a large kiddie pool. I stopped off at the drugstore and bought some books and magazines. I am a complete magazine junkie normally, but during the summer months I do tend to go a little overboard. But as I said, I was trying to stimulate the local economy. From there I made one last stop and bought some ice and frozen Bon Bons before heading home.

When I got home I dragged the pool right out to the back yard and filled it with the ice and the water. I brought over my reclining chair, my magazines, Frapuccino and Bon Bons and proceeded to lie down on the chair while immersing my feet in the refreshing cold water, while sipping my drink, eating my Bon Bons and reading the latest issue of Shape Magazine's article on how to lose belly fat in no time flat!

As I was basking in the sun, feeling great about doing my part to reduce my carbon footprint while stimulating the economy my husband comes home suddenly and accuses me of sitting on the couch and eating Bon Bons all day! How rude!!