The Entertaining House

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Hot Stuff!

The idea came to me when I was down in the basement rummaging through the wrapping paper the other day. I keep the wrapping paper in the basement all the way in the back by the furnace where there happened to be some (lots) of extra tiles. I picked up a tile and thought the kids would have fun painting them... that they would make great trivets. I don't have any nice trivets, just some ugly cork rounds. The tiles would need some felt pads underneath them so as not to scratch the table... located those. And then I remembered the old Waverly fabric my mother gave me. Why she gave me fabric I will never know as everyone knows I cannot sew. But I had the fabric and it is lovely fabric. When I located it and saw that the fabric color matched perfectly with our dining room wall color I knew I had to take my idea and run with it.
The only thing I didn't have was glue for my glue gun, but that was easy!

Below spare white tile, from master bathroom and felt pieces for underneath.

Fabric and glue gun...

Finished tiles, now trivets! Perfect for hot dishes...

Or as a coaster!

This could not be any easier!
-- Measure and cut out necessary fabric. (I left an inch of extra material on each side.
-- Place material pattern side down on table
-- Place tile in the center of the material
-- Apply glue to one side of the material, and pull tightly over the tile. Press firmly.
-- Repeat on opposite side.
-- On the other two sides, fold fabric over as though you are wrapping a present, apply glue and pull fabric firmly and tighly over the tile. Press firmly. If more glue is needed apply where necessary.
-- Repeat this on the final side.
-- Let glue cool
-- Apply felt pieces on all four (bottom!) corners