The Entertaining House

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I had coffee with a friend yesterday morning at the downtown Starbucks. It's been great catching up with Ems who lives a mere 5 minutes away. I have Facebook to thank for this. Emily and I went to college together and we lived in the same dorm our Freshman year. Every once in a while we would run into one another here and there. We very briefly were on the Junior League together and would periodically run into one another at this function or that function. But we've gotten together more lately and it has been fun.

I was so excited to have a down day. I had no obligations and no sporting events or after school events to schlep the kids to and from. (The older two had activities but at school. This is nice!)

We've had a lot of rain here the past few days. It's hard to be sunny and cheery when what you see out your window is so glum. But I was happy to be able to have a leisurely morning sans children. I had on my super comfy boyfriend jeans, white tank top and pretty blue, green and white floral blouse. Over it I had on my cheery Spring Green raincoat (purchased for practically pennies at the Talbot's outlet), my favorite JCrew straw tote and my navy flip flops. I mean what's not to be happy when you are dressed for a perfect spring rain? I even had a little extra zing in my step. Ems and I chatted for a good hour, hour and a half and I enjoyed my cappuccino. From there we went our separate ways and I ran a couple of errands.

I often walk along with a hand kinda sorta loosely in my front pocket. Don't know why, just do. As I was walking along I decided to check out the window of our local Banana Republic and I caught myself staring back at me. I always find something wrong with myself. My hair is usually to messy or too flat, or my 3 year post-partum belly screams middle age woman and not hot young twenty something and I will suck it in which looks great from the front but I swear it makes my ass bigger and it gives me terrible stomach aches. So there I was staring at myself in the Banana window and my eyes draw to my midsection and then I stare in disbelief as my zipper is not up where it should be! When did this happen? How did this happen? Had I been walking around like that all morning? Surely Ems would have said something had she noticed right? Maybe she hadn't noticed. Maybe it only somehow slid down... What is up with me and zippers? What is up with all my embarrassing moments? I check everything twice when I leave the house... I check my teeth, my nose... and yes my zippers too! Luckily not many people were out on the streets strolling about as it was so crummy out.

After I zipped myself back up I headed back to the car to go get Alexander. I drove him around for about a half hour or so to get him to pass out. I know, not so good for the environment, but some days I need to worry more about myself than the environment... some days. Eventually after telling me repeatedly that he was not tired he passed out. We went home and I put him on the couch and I turned on the television. Nothing is on during the day. Mental note to self -- I need to start TiVo-ing Real Housewives of NYC and Oprah. Instead I had on a Baby Story, which I never watch. I think it's stupid how they sugar coat all the births to look easy and painless, well, mostly. But as I watched I saw the young mother about to go au naturel... and memories of Alexander's EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG birth come back. They say you forget... I never did! It was TERRIBLE. I have never felt such (literally) gut wrenching pain in my life. I really thought the pain alone of pitocin-induced labor would kill me. And then came that Wall of Fire... So help me God! I was just about to turn the TV off because I had had enough when the little baby was born... the adorable, little Innocent baby and then I found myself weeping with joy and remembering when Alexander was just a teeny tiny little thing... before he caused all his mischief and drove me to drink... and suddenly I had an overwhelming desire to have another one... to kiss those little fingers and toes and that really soft spot behind their necks. I looked over at Alexander still slumbering ever so peacefully and he looked like a giant. And I imagined a little baby napping alongside me on the couch... and that's when reality hit and I snapped out of it and woke up! I turned off the television and reminded myself of those long, never-ending nights, and all the work it takes to raise little ones. No more buns in my oven. My oven is off! After all my work is done and my little ones are here to do it all for me now... that is why we have children, isn't it? ;)

The rest of my afternoon was perfect. Perfect! Alexander ended up napping for a total of 3 hours! We eventually got up to go to school to watch Christopher play softball (in the gym on account of the rain) then all came home and just chilled. I made sandwiches for dinner and had a nice leisurely evening until Alexander decided to dump a glass of water on my bed. So at 9:30 I found myself changing sheets. After that was done I went in to kiss Christopher goodnight. At this point it was just about 10:00 pm. Christopher has been sleeping on the air mattress lately. He finds beds highly overrated I guess. And that's when I noticed about 100 tiny sugar ants all over his rug! Arghhhh!!!

I sent Christopher and his air mattress into Rebecca's room as I ran around looking for the ant killer and fumigated the heck out of his room. I have no idea where they came from or what they were doing there. I searched his drawers and closets looking for any trace of food. There was none.

Why, if something has to go wrong does it always happen at bedtime?