The Entertaining House

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I wanted to let you all know that everything is FINE.

The Doctor went over all my ultrasounds and mammograms from these past visits to years past. It seems there will always be questionable areas (oh joy!) and they will be monitoring me very closely from here on in. I will see the doctor again after my next mammogram and ultrasound in 6 months.

It hasn't hit me yet. I am not jumping up and down. I haven't run out to get my champagne. Truthfully I am fairly numb. I think my nerves and fear got the best of me -- I think they had a stronghold on me and I was unaware. I am so exhausted and drained from 2 weeks of worry, no sleep and little food. I am sure I will experience and want to jump for joy as soon as my body gets some rest and nourishment.

I thought I was done crying. But I am not. I am crying for happiness and the immense relief I feel. While I shared so much with you all, I still kept a good bit bottled up inside and I think it all needs to find a way out. (Will I be nervous like this every six months for the rest of my life?) I am also crying for all of you who cared so much to leave comments and send me messages and email. For all of you who shared your stories with me. And I guess I feel a bit guilty that my outcome is a happy one. Everyone should be so lucky.

What I really need is a nap. But alas I have a full afternoon ahead of me... and so onward and upward...