The Entertaining House

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a perfect storm

I couldn't have asked for a better day. We had plenty of snow and while it came down continuously throughout the day, it never accumulated to reach the massive amounts predicted. We had the benefit of a snow day with plenty of snow and without the whipping winds that were promised.

We woke and breakfasted on warm, fresh out of the oven banana muffins and decided that there was no need to get out of our pajamas. The children went to work filling out their Valentines. We went the store bought route this year. Making homemade Valentines for 60 children was not in my cards this year. And, besides, the Mad Libs cards that caught my eye at CVS were just too fun to pass up. That and some fun dip were perfect for the older two. Pink, heart-shaped, home made sugar cookies dipped in white chocolate were made for teachers.

Eventually the children bundled up and went out in the snow. They brought their sleds, shovels and other assorted snow toys. Daddy joined them while I stayed inside to prepare a warm lunch -- pasta with chicken, prosciutto, peas and artichokes. When everything was ready I put on my coat, grabbed my camera and ventured outside too. After a good long bit we headed back in, ate lunch and thawed in front of a hot, roaring fire. Of course everyone got hungry again. So I whipped up a batch of home made brownies that were served a la mode -- warm and gooey and topped with mint chocolate chip ice cream! Heavenly! As the children settled down to watch a movie I grabbed my laptop and got to work.

Yesterday was like an unexpected Saturday. Not Sunday. Sundays always have that ominous feel to them. Yesterday was light and happy. And we knew there would be a delayed start this morning. (Not that it has been announced yet!) But the freezing and windy conditions have delayed the start to most local schools. I let the boys stay up late last night. And then Alexander asked if he could sleep with his brother. I thought he had meant getting out the aero bed, but at 10:00pm I really didn't have it in me to blow it up and make it. (Not that it takes any effort whatsoever.) Instead Alexander crawled right under the covers next to his brother. They are still there curled up together. I'd take a picture but for the risk of waking my sleeping babies.

When the boys wake up I'll get on to the home made blueberry pancakes I had promised.




















Yesterday felt more like Christmas than Christmas did!