The Entertaining House

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just trying to stay afloat...


Just Keep Swimming Lyrics

Do you ever feel as though it takes every ounce of your being just to stay afloat? I'm trying so hard to juggle everything at the moment. I set myself a September goal for my memoirs and I cannot let myself down. It's been a month since I have done any decent writing. My surgery was a month ago. I can't waste anymore time. So this morning I decided I would buckle down and try my hand at the introduction. This proved to be harder than I thought. I started to write about La Jolie Grandmere and realized something I hadn't until then. I never said goodbye to her. I never had the opportunity to say goodbye. After all these years it's just now dawned on me. I sat in Borders writing away on my laptop and tears streaming down my face. I must have looked a sight. Then I went off to physical therapy which is conveniently located in the same building as Borders is and more tears... tears because the physical therapy is so taxing and painful. And then more tears because I am still so limited in what I can do in my day to day life. Every ounce of my energy is being used at the moment just to be able to stay on top of things. I apologize to you all as the blog has suffered lately. It'll be where it once was again one day, I hope, soon. If I ever get the courage, I will share this Introduction I have been working on...

Meantime, I've just got to keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming...