The Entertaining House

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The view from my front door at 8:22 am, Sunday October 24, 2010

Despite the lack of rain this summer our autumn is turning out to be simply spectacular! It is truly my favorite time of the year. I love everything associated with this time of year... the sights and smells. I love my fall wardrobe and putting on sweaters and light jackets and knowing that our fireplace will soon be in use... I love baking with fall fruit and the aromas that swirl around the kitchen when this happens resulting in delicious treats and happy faces from happy children. Fall tends to be a busy time of year for families with children involved in sports. We tend to rush, rush, rush. But today,  I am going to slow down.

As I was walking downstairs a short while ago, I noticed all the spectacular colors outside the large foyer window. I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed my camera. I stepped outdoors (remembering in the nick of time to turn off the alarm!) and took pictures from just outside our entryway.

I decided, after looking out and taking in the beauty all around, that today I would slow down and enjoy my day. I've had a rough week.

I got my first agent rejection letter. Ok, so it wasn't really a rejection letter. It basically said that the material could not be used as submitted. I should feel free to call this week to discuss with her or I could work with another agent if I already have one lined up. I will follow up with a phone call. I would love to hear her thoughts. I think, also, she needs a clearer view of my vision.

It is suspected my Alexander may have ADHD. I was shocked when I heard this but now, after watching him, I may concur with teachers and learning specialists. He will be evaluated over the next couple of weeks. Christopher was diagnosed with ADHD at the same age. Their symptoms are quite different.

Rebecca was diagnosed with pneumonia this week. A lifelong asthmatic she has had issues with this many times over the course of her not terribly long life. She is getting better now.

Alexander crawled into bed with me last night. Snuggled. Clung to me as though he was clinging for dear life. Snoring incredibly loudly. I could tell he was struggling to breathe through his little congested nose. He's been lying quietly next to me all morning. This is not like him at all. He feels warm to the touch and has fallen back asleep. He denied the Motrin but took the decongestant...

So I will take it easy today. I will nurse my little one and tidy up the house... Perhaps I'll bake something... perhaps I'll work on a nice big pot of soup... Perhaps I'll write some more... perhaps I will get some reading done. If I can I'll sneak out to my older boy's soccer game. He has a home game... Alexander might like to be outdoors later. Or maybe he'll want to stay in bed in his Christmas pajamas... either way is OK with me... We'll enjoy a nice slow day... together!