My Favorite Fifteen...
I saw this post on Facebook the other day and it got me thinking. What 15 authors were most influential in your life. I have read a lot of books over the years. While I do not read as voraciously as I used to, I love nothing more than to curl up with a good book and get lost among the white pages filled with print. Whether curled up in front of a fire, snuggled up in bed or relaxing on a warm beach, a good novel that I can sink my teeth into is incredibly fulfilling. Over the years books have influenced me, inspired me and taken me to better places. I can remember where I was in life and what I was doing when I think of certain books. Books are the time-line of my life in so many ways.
How on earth can I limit my list to just 15 authors? There are simply so many from which to choose... so many wonderful, wise and talented writers who have influenced my life in one way or another over the past 40 years. In no particular order, here are some of my favorites.
1. Virginia Lee Burton: Graphic designer and childrens book author and illustrator I became enamored by Katy the Snowplow, The Little House, Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel and Maybeline at a very early age.
2. Judy Blume: What teenage girl did not pour over these books, repeating, over and over again, "I must, I must, I must increase my bust!"
3. Anne Frank: As a young pre-teen was in awe of her strength and determination. I looked up to her and part of me wanted to be her. As a child born to German-Jewish immigrants this book brought home what my life could have been... and taught me to be grateful for all the things I had. My daughter read her diary for the first time this summer. I re-read along with her. I am as touched now as I was then. Perhaps even more so. I think every child in the world ought to be required to read her diary.
4. Harper Lee: Boo, Radley and the rest of the wonderful characters of To Kill a Mockingbird left gentle and indelible marks on my memory. A favorite to this day.
5. Betty White: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, tells the story of Francie, an 11 year old and her poverty-stricken mother and alcoholic father. Despite the somber setting and backdrop creates a beautiful story about coming of age in difficult times.
6. John Knowles: A Separate Peace. This prep school story left an indelible mark on me.
7. JD Salinger: First I read The Catcher in the Rye and then I had to read everysingleone of his other books. I was particularly fond of Franny and Zooey.
8. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A short story called The Diamond as Big as the Ritz initiated my love of this author.
9. John Irving: The World According to Garp was my fore-ray into adult literature. Eye opening, provocative and thought provoking the weird and quirky characters turned me on to a whole new literary world.
10. Thornton Wilder: I was 13 and studying drama at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I had to perform a solo from any play of my choice. I immediately fell in love with Emily from Our Town and Our Town became a fast favorite. I would learn, many years later that my grandmother, La Jolie Grandmere, met Mr. Wilder in a cafe in Paris and the two remained friends until his death in 1977. I have all his letters to her. He adored Our Town as well.
11. Edith Wharton: How could I summer in Newport for most of my life and not include her! Summer is a favorite.
12. Jay McInerny: Bright Lights Big City. It was a big little book. It epitomized the Me-me-me of the 1980s.
13. Jane Austen: Her novels had it all!
14. Tom Wolf: For all of his books.
15. John Bartlett: His book of Familiar Quotations might possibly the most read/used book I own! (I know he is not a writer, but he was certainly influential to me!)
While each and every year I read a truly remarkable book that moves me and has true staying power, I daresay the authors that have influenced me the most in life are those I read when I was younger. You'll see why when you read my list below!
Because I enjoyed this so much and because I love to hear what some of your favorite authors are I am going to tag 15 of you to pick 15 favorites and am asking you to pick 15... Try, it's harder than you think!
I am tagging:
A Place to Dwell
Queen Bee Swain
Summer is a Verb
Tickled Pink and Green
It's a Golden Day
Town and Country Mom
Lily Lemontree
Housewife Bliss
Firefly Hill Style
Brunch at Saks
Maryland Pink and Green
Bees and Fleur de Lis
The Lisa Porter Collection
The Blushing Hostess Entertains
Anyone else wanting to play along, please do!