WifeStyle Conference, Contemporary Living for the Modern Domestic
What's WifesStyle you ask? It's the brainchild of etiquette expert Mindy Lockard and Domesticity Expert Coryanne Etienne. When they told me about this idea of theirs last Spring, I couldn't help but think Oh great, a conference for Martha Stewart like minded married women! I, being on my way to being un-married was not so sure how I was going to fit in to this conference. I consider both Mindee and Coryanne to be dear friends and I decided to keep my skepticism to myself and support them wholeheartedly. There were weekly chats on Twitter that were fun, well attended, animated and covered a myriad of entertaining-related topics. These became like weeknight Twitter Parties. Great ideas were generated, shared and friendships developed. I'm sure many a glass of wine was consumed away.
I helped to promote WifeStyle by hosting a giveaway for The Glass Dharma (one of the sponsors) here on the Entertaining House. Everything I was told about the event seemed promising and fun. And yet I admit to remaining a bit skeptical. It may have been something in the name.... WifeStyle. Corryanne told me that it was chosen in a tongue and cheek kind of a way, letting me know that cooking, entertaining, and decorating are very much part of our daily lives no matter how old we are, our marital status or what stage of life we happen to be in.
WifeStyle suddenly sounded as though it was absolutely going to be my cup of tea, or shaker of martini, if you will. The two talented women had planned a couple of days of entertaining and educational events led by industry leaders... la creme de la creme, it turns out.
WifeStyle co-founders Mindy Lockart and Coryanne Ettiene |
Stylist, Entertainer and personality extraordinaire Kelly L Moore |
The original, talented and lovely Cocktail Deeva, Dee Brun |
Lisa Theile, Entertainer and Gluten Free Expert |
Uber talented duo Cynthia Bogart of the online magazine The Daily Basics with WifeStyle Expert, presenter Kelly Kegans, Senior Editor, Better Homes & Gardens |
Megan Benson, talented designer, H Bloom Florist |
WifeStyle was a boutique conference which celebrated all aspects of entertaining in a fresh and innovative setting.
WifeStyle was a conference for everyone passionate about stylish living, regardless of marital status. I'd say half in attendance were married and our ages ranged from mid 20s to mid 60s! The conference was bristling with successful and talented business women from varied industries.
WifeStyle was an atmosphere where participants learned to revitalize their entertaining style through hands on learning from industry experts.
Some of the things we took away from the WifeStyle Conference incuded:
- how mix a fantastic cocktail and stock the home bar.
- make simple yet elegant floral arrangements.
- design a modern tabletop.
- be a gracious host.
- learn from a top chef how to roast a chicken and make the perfect pie crust.
- master American and Continental styles of dining.
- navigate place settings.
- manage housekeeping on a busy schedule.
- renew the home for all seasons.
- use modern tools for household efficiency.
I love to entertain and and picked up some fabulous tips. I ate well thanks to Chef Tagere, GE Monogram's Executive Chef - I will write all about GE Monogram's Kitchen in the A+D building and the talented Chef Tagere's fabulous food tomorrow.
WifeStyle Conference
far exceeded my ideas and expectations.The hard work and time and energies dedicated by Mindy and Coryanne certainly paid off. They should feel terribly proud of themselves. As far as I go, I am no longer skeptical. I left and took a few ideas with me... most importantly I left with the sense that I had made and established some wonderful connections and friendships. Lovely, smart, talented, beautiful and funny ladies. I hope to see you all at the next
WifeStyle Conference!