I love the rain. Love it. Absolutely, positively love it! We haven't had a good rain in ages. We are overdue. We are in danger of brush-fires and water shortages. I love the smell in the air before a great big rain. I love the smell of the ground, the grass, the trees and the air after a great big rain storm. My kids are suffering terribly from allergies. I hope our rains wash the pollen away so that they may breathe easier. And more than anything I am looking forward to a good, drenching, heavy wet rain so I can get things done around the house without feeling guilty that I am not enjoying the glorious weather we've been having. The rain is due to start later today so this morning I will hit the gym, run some errands... stock up on groceries - fresh fruit, seltzer waters, and Jiffy Pop popcorn. Today I will polish silver and copper. I will hang more pictures. I will try to make some semblance of "office space" and I will be productive. I will cook and I will bake. I will make a long list and I will cross everything off of it. Tomorrow the children will arrive. We will hunker down. We will read and watch movies and cuddle up on the couch and eat our popcorn. My weekend will be both productive and relaxing and I cannot think of anything better!
What have you all got planned?