The Entertaining House

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inspired by the sea...

It's no secret that I'm a child of the sea. She inspires, awes and moves me. I've grown up on her shores, locally and abroad. She's a part of my past. She's a part of my present, and she will be forever a part of my future. She energizes me and yet she calms me. There's no place I'd rather be.

This morning, dressed in nothing but a T-shirt and a running skirt, with my iPhone to keep me company I trotted off to the water, running slowly, an even, well paced jog. The water was cool but not cold. She felt wonderful underfoot. The soft sand gave way beneath each pounding of my feet. Ordinarily I loathe running. It pains me - literally and figuratively. On harder surfaces lightning-like pain shoots down my knees. On harder surfaces I can feel my bulging disc want to slowly slide out. But running on the soft wet sand feels nice. I love splashing in the water. I don't mind getting wet. It's refreshing. It's fabulous! As I run I can feel the warm rays of the sun shine down on me, warming my face, my neck, my back, my arms while my lower body stays cool. I close my eyes as I run.

I am listening to my music, an eclectic mix of varying artists from Adele, Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Sheryl Crow, Sting, Tim McGraw, Cee Lo Green, B.o.B, Pink, Joe Jackson and Pitbull... where my Zumba-inspired tunes co-exist melodiously with my Country Music... My pace quickens and slows based on what I'm listening to.

No one is on the beach. It's not yet 9:00 in the morning and I'm the only one here.  I run with my eyes closed focusing on how everything feels - the bright, warm sun on my face, the cool breezes glide past, the cool, wet water splashing up from my feet, slapping my knees and thighs. I can smell her salt. The ocean heightens your senses... and then I open my eyes and I have to slow down. There's just so much to see!

My mind races. I'm inspired. I'm energized. I'm calm. There's so much beauty and I need to capture it. I need to capture the details that we overlook. I need to capture the details that I might ordinarily overlook. I notice the color, the texture, the aromas...

Morning run on the beach

Morning beach run

Beach run


I got off the beach, an hour and a half after I set foot towards the shore, refreshed, and famished... I had to quickly shoot a few pictures of the carnival that was being set up... and into my car I slid just as the skies opened up!

What inspires you?



{Note: all photographs were taken with my iPhone via Instagram and uploaded on to my Pinterest board. All photographs are the property of The Entertaining House and Jessica Gordon Ryan and may be used only with permission.}