Simply too good not to share!
I have no notable post today... though some good ones are in the works, but when I read about this trick I simply
had to try it! In fact, I try most tricks I read about... and so I know if they work or not. And truth be told, many of them don't work... but this little trick is something to Pin about! This little trick really works. I wish I could remember who told me about it... or where I read it... It might have been a magazine but I'm not too entirely sure. Anyhow, I'm sharing this with you because it's a small Godsend!
I'm not a huge make-up wearer, especially in the summer... A dab of blush, a pretty lipstick a quick pop of the eyelashes with some mascara and that's it for me. I've been told for many years that I should simply toss my mascara out when it dries out or when it's about 6 months old. Germs they say. But I don't love the drugstore varieties - and yes, I have tried them all... and so when I found my dream mascara years ago I never strayed... I remained loyal, tried and true... I cannot, however, justify tossing a perfect good tube down into the garbage because, well just because and yes sometimes even the best ones do get gloppy and hard to work with... and yes, there is such a thing as too gloppy or too thick.. until now!
Until Mascara Met Visine... and a love story ensued!
Simply add 1 drop of the Visine into the mascara tube, place the wand in, swish around and voila... If you need to add another drop you may, but add just one drop at a time as you don't want to add too much!
Try this... TODAY... and then you can come back and thank me... or send flowers, or home baked chocolate chip cookies!
It's Friday the 13th!
I hope you all have a Fantastic day and a fantastic weekend!