Thank you all so much!
I did not win the coveted empty seat to accompany the other fabulously, wonderfully talented bloggers to London's BlogTour, but I came in 4th. Not only am I honored to have even been considered for such an amazing opportunity... I mean really, I'm a tiny guppy in this great big world of design and lifestyle bloggers... So it never even dawned on me that I would even be up for something so wonderfully swell. I am pleased to have been considered and even more pleased to have come in 4th place and even more pleased that so many of you rallied behind me. Seriously, how awesome is that? How awesome that you wanted to see me go on this amazing trip? How awesome that you thought I deserved to go! And so I really just wanted to take a moment to thank you... thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Thank you so very much!
Have a very Happy Friday and a Wonderful Weekend!