I'm going back home... to London!
I can hardly stand it. I can hardly contain my excitement!
I'm a hot mess of a mix of emotions!
Last week I received an email from the lovely Veronika Miller of
Modenus asking me to be a part of BlogTour London 2013 along with 11 other fabulously talented, beautiful and phenomenal bloggers and designers. I was completely taken by surprise... caught off-guard... honored and thrilled. In fact, I cannot begin to explain how completely honored and thrilled I really am!
And so now, the announcement has been made and it is official! At the end of September I will be going back home!
I grew up steeped in the worlds of art, culture and design. It's such a part of my past, present - future and my genetic makeup. While I love the quiet countryside and the peace and serenity of the sea, it is in the city where I truly come alive. My heart skips a beat and my foot steps do as well. And while I am a New Yorker through and through, London is where it's at kids!
For those of you who are new readers, you may not know that I lived for a short while in the UK and was a student there. My ancestors hailed from London and my great-grandmother Jessie, after whom I was named follow her heart to the United States to marry my great-grandfather. My grandmother returned to her British roots and ended up settling down in a gorgeous Manor House in the small town of Great Haseley in an Oxford suburb. While there, she became dear friends with another American expat, and well known decorator who lived next door in the town of Little Haseley. Her name was Nancy Lancaster. Some of you may have heard of her. She had the most exquisite home I think I have ever seen... next to my grandmother's, of course!
And so, back across the Pond I go... I could not be any happier or prouder.
My only wish, and it is only one, is that my grandmother was still alive today. She would be so very proud of me. I would so very much love to see her... her smile and give her a hug and a kiss....
But I'm going back home!
I can't wait to share with you all the wonderful sights and sounds... all the fabulousness of art and design... to teach, to share, to entertain and to inspire!
I'm going to London kids... and I am so excited!!!
To see the other beautiful, talented, creative, and kind people I will be traveling with click
Today is my grandmother's Birthday. She would have been 95... She was one of the most spectacular women I have ever met. Her strength, courage, determination, style, beauty and personality will forever inspire me!
Happy Birthday Bettina!