The Entertaining House

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How Childish!

Photographer unknown.
(If you are please let me know!)

Ok, so I have really bitten off so much more than I can chew! I am heading the decorating committee of a wine tasting fundraiser for my children's school. The event is a week away and we have so much to tie up. Literally! I have some fabulous ideas and they are, so far, really coming to fruition which is really exciting. Because don't you hate when you get an idea and when you execute it it's... well... so not what you wanted? The event is next Saturday. I'm excited!

I am still looking for an agent who sees eye-to-eye with me on the spectacularness of La Jolie Grandmere and all that was fabulous in her life... her stories and fashion and her homes. I do have some wonderful friends who have offered to take my hand and steer me in a better direction.  I am excited about this too!

I just got a job at the fabulous JmcLaughlin and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am. Their new Westport store is pure eye candy... the decor... the clothes... the architecture... talk about sensory overload! It is pure heaven on earth in there. Those of you nearby please stop by. I will be blogging about it for sure... I have already gotten permission to do so! But I won't start until after the wine tasting. Phew!

And of course we are about to enter into holiday craziness...

Sometimes don't you wish you could be a kid again... if just for a day?

And say...

and live by these few, simple rules?

Getting to dinner couldn't be any easier. The architect who designed this was a genius!

Why did my arts and crafts sessions never result like this?

When playing house was truly magical and fun!

Endearing. Tea anyone?

The ultimate camp-out!

I hope these images put a smile on your face! Have a great Sunday everyone!