The Entertaining House

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44 years ago

I came into the world somewhere in between the cocktail and the dinner hour. My mother, all loopy from her concoction of meds to ensure a pain-free birth, picked up the phone to tell her mother of my arrival. Quite a surprise it was that she had given birth to a girl as she was absolutely certain that she was going to have a boy and that I would be called Sammy. Even more of a surprise was when my mother realized that she had not called La Jolie Grandmere, as she had intended, but the first number that came to her mind was that of a certain department store called Bloomingdale's who first learned about my arrival!

via Brown Eyed Belle Julie

via Tracy's Culinary Adventures

imsge via Flickr

image Via Kayce Hughes

image via Birthday Girl Blog

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!