"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror" Khalil Gibran
I've always had a fondness for mirrors, large, small, tall, wide... singularly, paired or grouped together. Mirrors are musical, magical, delightful. They serve so many purposes. When used in your home they can accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative ... They can add a sense of height, they can increase daylight, increase a sense of intimacy and coziness. Mirrors, in all their shapes and sizes, colors and textures have perhaps the single greatest ability to recreate a space and maximize it's potential.
I remember the mirrors in my grandmother's homes. They were large and elegant and stately. They served as a form of art... as a source of light, and to me, as a young child, a source of delight and entertainment.Almost from the time I knew that my fork should be on my left hand side and my knife to my right, I knew that, whenever possible a mirror should be placed directly across the window. It seemed to me that the mirrors brought the weather inside with them. The natural light would alter the color and shape and shadows in the rooms depending on the time of day, the weather and the season. (This effect more dramatic in rooms with color.)
Mirrors have, to me, always been so very much more than something we peer into to check our hair, teeth, lipstick... They've been statements, objects d'art and even, as a young child, a source of entertainment.
In the South of France I had a bathroom wall lined in mirrors from the front to the side. The mirror wrapped around from one side to another. If I looked to my right there were dozens of me... all wearing and doing the exact same thing I was doing! If I looked to the left, there were also dozens of me, all looking and doing just as I was. As an only child I could play like this for hours!
In Oxfordshire I had a large, stately and elegant mirror next to the bathtub. Ordinary one would not choose to put a mirror there - how unkind! Yet, for decor it was a perfect fit. The large, claw footed tub looked out over miles and miles of English Countryside. The mirror reflected the vast field. I used to lie down, close my eyes and imagine my tub was outside en plein air! I could bathe in the sunshine, in the rain, in the snow!
I will always think the mirror to be magical and beautiful. They will always be an integral part of my homes.
There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharon
You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use your works to see your soul - George Bernard Shaw
Look in a mirror and one thing's sure; what we see is not who we are - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Who sees the human face correctly, the human, the painter or the mirror - Pablo Picasso
Poetry is the mirror that makes beautiful that which is distorted - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the mirror
But you are eternity and you are the mirror - Khalil Gibran
The face is the mirror of the mind, and the eyes, without speaking, confess the secrets of the heart -
St. Jerome
Life is like a mirror; we get the best results when we smile at it - Unknown
He reproduced himself with so much humble objectivity, with the unquestioning, matter of fact interest of a dog who sees himself in a mirror and thinks: there's another dog -
Rainer Maria Rilke
Shadows cannot see themselves in the beauty of the sun - Eva Peron
Take care that the face that looks out from the mirror in the morning is a pleasant face. You may not see it again during the day, but others will - Anonymous
It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors - Oscar Wilde
I should think he must be rather a dressy man for his time of life. Such a number of looking-glasses! Oh Lord! There is not getting away from one's self - Jane Austen
Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice, we are just prisoners here of our own device -
The Eagles
all images via my
Pinterest Board, all original sites can be found there.
Wishing you all the sunniest of reflections today!