The Entertaining House

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Embrace your fears :: Step outside your comfort zone and find freedom!

I hate to fly. Hate. Hate. Hate. Yes, I know hate is a strong word. And that's how strongly I feel about flying. It makes me nervous. My heart gets all jittery and my stomach starts running around like a gerbil on a treadmill. I worry the plane will fall out of the sky. I worry about lots. 9-11 didn't help. Lockerbie. The TWA flight that fell from the sky over the Long Island Sound and then there was another one in Queens, NY. I wasn't always this way. I have been traveling and flying to other countries since before I could walk. As a kid I loved to fly. I thrilled at take-off and landing. But as I got older reality and mortality set in, I guess. And then I had kids and I couldn't bare the thought of anything happening to me... We travelled some as a family and I kept calm for the sake of my children but inside I was a nervous wreck. I didn't sleep the month before I went to London and I booked tickets to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. I haven't slept much since then. Just recently I was invited up in a small private plane and, well, always one to seek out new experiences and opportunities to use my camera, without thinking I jumped at the chance and said yes. Then fear hit me in the face. Hard. Like a fastball.  I'm not backing out... I'm not backing out... I am not backing out... I'm not going to watch life pass me by... I'm going to live it! This has been my motto these past couple of years. And I have been forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone. And a small metal can in the sky, that's way out of my comfort zone!

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House
Here we are about to take off... the engine is revving, you can feel the power. Suddenly I was not nervous. Not in the least. And 1,2,3 off we went... and wow, the take off was as thrilling as it was when I was a kid!
I watched the ground below get further and further away... I felt like a bird in flight! All the while my friend was walking me through every step every control. It was fascinating. It was positively breath-taking!

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House
The view looks calm and peaceful, but if you look at the ripples below you can see the wind on the water... Boy was it rough and despite the turbulence and the little plane being bounced around slightly I wasn't nervous. In fact I was as calm as can be. I love the ocean. She calms me like no other place. I guess the sky does too. 

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House  
Look at that! I look at this picture and it's the most peaceful thing to me. Incredible that an image that was once, and for such a long time, a source of one of my greatest fears, now is an image of calm.

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House
The New England coastline is spectacular no matter what time of year!

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

Jessica Gordon Ryan/The Entertaining House

What an amazing, incredible experience! One that was truly life-changing!I will remember this for the rest of my life... and so to you all I will tell you this, go ahead and embrace your fears... Step outside of your comfort zone... and then when you do, come back and thank me!
