Desired and Inspired :: Little Black Houses (for you and me)
I have a relatively new obsession. I am just mad about dark colored houses. Whether deep charcoal grey or black, these unfussy homes are about as sophisticated as they get. They offer an understated elegance, a subdued glamour and blend into their settings seamlessly, whether coastal, urban or suburban. In fact, they almost seem to enhance the landscape that surrounds them. The color suits both large and small, modern and traditional. Dark colors add drama and depth and beckon you to take them seriously, a message that you’re not afraid to be noticed. Not everyone can pull off a black home. I find them to be handsome and bold, do you?
I think I have a particular fondness for those houses with white trim. I think the white accentuates the black even more, making it seem all that much more dramatic. Yet there's the classic side to it as well - black and white will forever be classic colors, and there is a part of me that does embrace the traditional, even if the architecture might not be.