Dress to Kill :: The Military Jacket
It seems my piece the other day, on camouflage has hit a nerve with some, eliciting the same sort of response one gets when asking people what they think of cilantro; they either love it or hate it. Alas such was what people thought of camouflage when worn as a fashion statement. Most agreed it would never be a "classic" per sé, and while I don't disagree with that at all, it certainly stimulated some fun and colorful conversation. Military style jackets and coats (sans camouflage) seem also to be very much in favor, worn by celebrities, fashionistas and those with a keen eye for style. The term military jacket is generally quite broad and can include the more casual khaki-colored pieces, or those more tailored - formal attire once associated with generals and other high ranking officials, in black and navy, even in red, trimmed in gold and adorned with buttons down the front. From casual to elegant, long to short, paired with denim or dressed up, this gentleman's garment is proving to have a softer, more feminine side.