The Entertaining House

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Not so much family love

There was no cuddling by the fire yesterday as I promised. Instead we hung (that should read Daddy hung) 2 sets of our new silk duponi drapes in the living room. Two sets down and four sets to go! It only took 8 months. Well, actually it took 4 hours. Yep. Daddy measured and remeasured and measured and remeasured some more. The numbers didn't add up. Our house is crooked or slipping or sinking. We're sure of it. I've never seen anyone spend so much time hanging a set of drapes. But I've come to expect it. Don takes a long time to do everything. He won't let me hang the curtains. Won't let me drill into the new walls. Smart of him actually. Our home might closely resemble Woody Woodpecker's if he put the drill in my hands. So I watched or helped and shut up (when I wasn't poking fun at him) and did what I was told. I even managed to get him to hang 2 pictures up too. Yahoo! Love the kids, but this was so worth the sacrificing the kid-love-family-bonding!

It's all still a work in progress... will keep you all updated on the changes as they (slowly) come!
It's late... I'm tired... my book club met here tonight. Four of us went through 2 bottles of Merlot and 2 bottles of Pellegrino. I'll post more in the morrow....