Musings from The Entertaining House... always entertaining...
When I first started blogging, eons ago, I was a "mommy blogger." That term sort of makes me shudder. But my reason for blogging was to share, with close friends and family who were not nearby, photos and special moments with my children. I didn't know much about blogging at the time. I took a few pictures and patted myself on the back for being able to upload them. What I liked the most was sharing my stories and entertaining my family. Then unknown readers started to stop by... they loved my stories. I loved their comments. I started looking at, reading and following other blogs. Who knew there was so much creativity out there? And so my blog became less about me and my family and more about living and life... a true lifestyle blog that covered topics ranging from food to fashion to home decor. And anything else that caught my fancy. Four years ago my family and I moved to a larger home. The name "Crazy, crowded lounge" no longer fit. I was brainstorming online with a friend and we came up with The Entertaining House. The name was not just fitting; it was perfect! I love to entertain and we are certainly an entertaining bunch over here! There's never a dull moment around my home.
The other night I was home alone. The children were with their father. Normally I am quick to book something up and head out to dinner or grab a drink or something with a friend. But that night I was really looking forward to being home by myself to enjoy my new home by myself. I put on my fleece pajama bottoms and a cashmere hoodie. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and settled on the couch armed with a glass of wine, cell phone, a pile of magazines and the television to keep me company. I have never felt more comfortable or more at home. I haven't been as at peace, relaxed or content in a very long time. I looked around and admired my handiwork - pictures hung, furniture arranged, boxes unpacked, etc. There's still more to be done, but I am pleased with the results so far. I think I have successfully managed to create a living area that is casually elegant.
It was getting late and I was getting hungry. I decided to cook up a piece of chicken that I would enjoy with a piece of Nan. I grabbed a chicken breast and tossed it into the pan with a touch of oil and a dry rub that I made last fall. I walked away to do something - sitting still doesn't always come easily to me - and when I arrived back in the kitchen I noticed flames coming from the burner. I looked at the flames. Stared at them. Ordinarily I am not sure I'd have thought twice and then it dawned on me. It's an electric stove! There should be no flames there! I stared and assessed the situation. I really didn't want to have to use the fire extinguisher for this. I saw the flames pulling to the left. I immediately turned off the down-draft and removed the box of matches (for use with pillar candle) that were sitting nearby. That could have been disastrous! The flames stopped growing in size, but they were still impressive and too large for my comfort. I watched some more. The best thing to do is to deprive the fire of oxygen. I took the lid of the pan and covered the flames. After a few seconds I removed the lid. The flames were getting lower and lower. I stood there and watched until they were out.
But my chicken wasn't fully cooked. I took the pan and placed it on another burner, cooked it through and took my meal to the couch to enjoy. (Shh! The kids are not allowed to eat anywhere but at the kitchen table!) Except for the smell of fire, all had returned to normal!
The next afternoon I would use my little incident as a lesson on how to put out a kitchen fire for the children. Of course they are not allowed to use the stove or oven in my absence, but it was an important lesson nonetheless!
Photos to come shortly, I promise!