The Entertaining House

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Tie-dye me up! Tie-dye me down!

Nothing says summer more than tie-dye... it reminds me of camp, it reminds me of my youth... the psychedelic colors and circles on the shirts we wore that were carried over from the free-thinking, bra-burning generation that preceded mine. I've fallen in love, again, with tie-dye. It started a couple of years ago when I was looking for a way to salvage some of the children's stained white shirts. We started to tie-dye our old and grungy looking polo shirts. They came out so well that I tie died some of my grungy looking white T-shirts and tanks, giving them new life. Today's tie-dye (at least mine) has a more grown-up touch... Mine is less about the psychedelic colors than about the texture and renewal... How wonderful to give new life to something old and stale... How fun to add whimsy to every day items that can be found anywhere in your home!

We needed a project to keep us busy outside yesterday. It wasn't terribly hot yesterday morning, but the humidity was slowing us down. We were in the mood to be outside but not to be running around. And we started to tie-dye up a storm... we grabbed everything in sight; old shirts, shorts, pillow cases, sheets, napkins... you named it and we grabbed it!

 Alas, my photographs (taken with my iPhone) didn't come out well for some reason, but I will share with you the inspiration that started it all... Images via Pinterest, of course!

Ombre by CapellaKID on etsy

I'm a huge fan of the dip-dye as seen above and below on the pillows. It's also a fun way to add a fun and dramatic twist on clothing if traditional tie dye is not your thing.
Nice bold tie-dye.
My napkins are much more subdued but I love them so! We tie-dyed a white sheet yesterday. I'm thinking it would be a fun and whimsical table cloth... dress it up with some off white china and silver? Yes!

Using RIT dyes

I have an old, white clutch my mother gave me years ago. I used it once, I think... I'm thinking this would be a fun, fun way to give the old clutch a new life!

folded pattern. I'm going to have to try this...

The pattern in the above sheet was created by folding the material into squares. Isn't it marvelous?
Perhaps Rebecca will have some tie-dyed sheets on her bed? Really, I am getting so very carried away here!

DVF bedding

tie dye chair

This chair is sublime... No, don't worry, I'm not going that overboard!

tie dye

Seriously, I want to scream Yes, Yes, Yes!

dip dyeing projects

I believe that it was Martha Stewart who started it all with these dish towels.

Ellery the Ventures dress by the Iconic. I love the navy blue dip die at the bottom.

Love this dress. LOVE it!

Dip-Dyed T-Shirt

I've done this before. Magnificent!

Ombre dip dye diy

Click here for sources and original sites.

Yesterday we worked with oranges and blues... we still have pink RIT dye that we haven't touched yet... Off to find more whites!

via Tumblr

Happy Monday + Stay Cool Chicas!

Remember it's a Magnificent Monday...


