the countdown begins...

It's our last Wednesday night in the Crazy Crowded House and it doesn't feel as strange as I thought it would. I drove over to the new house this afternoon and there was a big moving truck in the driveway! On our way home from soccer practice I took the kids by the house. The truck was gone and in its place mounds and mounds of garbage. Looking up we could see the once full playroom was now empty.

The house stands magestically on the hill. Her former occupants are packing up their belongings and preparing for their new lives while we do the same. We are closing yet another chapter in our lives, another book, with just pages left. A new book with new stories waiting to fill the now blank pages waits to be written. The now empty house on the hill waits to become a home again.

I wondered whether the kids would be sad but they didn't seem to be. They each looked to the house and seem to know that this house would be their home. New memories will be made. New dreams will be realized and hopefully will come true.

The unknown is a scary thing and I am not it's biggest fan. But if we didn't take a chance here and there and we didn't try anything new... if we never ventured out of our comfort zones then we wouldn't really be living, would we?

We will have a lot of work to do to make the house our home, but even though we haven't moved in it already feels right.