A Giveaway For all lovers of Lilly and Libations!
I am giving away a cocktail shaker and 2 sets of Lilly cocktail napkins! I bought the napkins on a whim about a month ago as I loved them so, but realized that the colors did not go with our decor inside or out. I decided that instead of exchanging them at Swoozie's I would hang on to them. Packaged with something else they would make a lovely hostess gift. Then earlier today I was rummaging through the basement and found not one, but THREE cocktail shakers. (We have one upstairs already.) I know we enjoy a little drink here and there, but 4 seemed a bit over the top. As soon as I saw the shaker I knew what I would do with it and my napkins... have a little bloggie giveaway for my new friends! I know so many of you are in the throes of summer and bedlam and chaos and everything that is children and teenagers. I would have you all over if I could. Wouldn't that be so much fun?! But I can't... so instead I am giving away the cocktail shaker and the Lilly napkins. And here's what you can do to win...
1. For an easy entry leave me a comment, telling me how you will put your shaker and napkins to use.
2. Become a follower and you will get an extra entry!
3. Blog about my giveaway and you will get a total of three entries!
4. Create a drink for me and give it a cute name and you'll get 4 entries!
Have fun ladies and cheers and when I get home this evening I will report about our trip!
(Giveaway ends 8pm Friday July 10th)