Don't Drink and Fly!
My love of napkins is evident even this time of year! I have a collection of fun and whimsical napkins in paper and cloth. Some are inexpensive from Target and Party City. Some are Caspari. I love them all and they certainly add a festive flair to any get together, whether it means having a girlfriend over for a cocktail or a larger crowd!
The following items can all be found on The Food Network Website:
These little arachnids are really rather cute, aren't they?!
Candy Corn Cocktail gives the little candy a bit of sophistication!
I have a little confession to make. I'm not, and haven't been much in the Halloween spirit this year. Normally the house is decked out with pumpkins and whimsy. This year I have a few items on the table in the foyer to please the children. But I haven't gotten that Halloween itch. Perhaps it is because the stores have gotten a bit out of control with the spookiness and goriness. Kids are scared to go into many of these places. And frankly, who can blame them? Halloween, I thought, was more about the little kids dressing up and knocking on doors and asking for candy. That's what I like about it. But lately I have seen one too many bloody corpse, headless horseman and others belonging to R rated films than a party store. Sure the adults should be able to have fun with Halloween too, but not at the expense of little children. These Party Superstore Warehouse places ought to be responsible as well. Perhaps separating the young Halloween items from the older, scarier ones. I don't see why Little Red Riding Hood's costume should be on the same aisle's as Freddy from Elm Street's. And while we are on the subject of costumes. If you haven't shopped for a preteen yet, well you are in for a rude awakening. Everything out there is slutty. And trashy. Everything. Little Red Riding Hood might as well be Little red Riding Ho... and Dorothy is Doro-Ho... Seriously! It's disheartening. I know my days of dressing Rebecca up as Madeline, Cinderella and the little fairy are over, but Slut White is not an option for her either! Sheesh!