The best gift of all...

The best gift of all doesn't come from a store, or the mail and it cannot be purchased. The best gift of all is one that keeps on giving... It has no expiration date. It requires no buttons or batteries or strings. It's there when you need it, throughout the year; morning, noon and night. It's a powerful gift. It's a simple gift. It's understated. It's the most meaningful gift around. The best gift of all doesn't have to be given on any particular day. It needs no fancy wrapping or ribbon. The best gift of all won't break the bank. In fact, it is free. The best gift of all comes from the heart. For, the best gift of all is the gift of friendship.


all images via Pinterest

This is a hard holiday season for me. I have had to put up a front, and be happy and merry for the children. For Christmas to them is magical and I cannot take that away from them and I cannot deny them the wonder and splendor of the season and the day. But for reasons I cannot mention at the moment, it is a hard season for me this year. Much of me wants to rush through it -- to hurry it up and have it be over. I would if I could. I would crawl into my bed and pull the covers over my head and emerge into the New Year. This would be my preference. But I have children who wonder and marvel at the magic of the holiday and so I put on a happy face for them and we play Christmas songs and we bake and we decorate the mantel and the tree (even citrus tree in the kitchen!) and we talk about their wishes and what they think Santa will bring them. The Elph is moved every night -- Oh damn...  forgot again! We read books and sing carols and watch movies on TV. We drink egg nog and put candy canes in hot chocolate. The children are excited and eager. I'm just trudging along.

I'd love to shower all my friends with beautifully wrapped gifts this year. But I cannot. The best I can do is thank them for their amazing friendships and support, and in return I can be their friend... tireless, true, unconditional and supportive as they have been for me. Because, it is true, when all else ceases to exist friends remain, tried, true and strong... and always there.

I am so very fortunate to be the recipient of many, many wonderful friends. I have many I can call or email any day or night. I have many close by and some not so close. I have many whom I do not see on a regular basis, though I know, without hesitation, that they would do anything for me... just knowing this...  I am eternally grateful. And now, thanks to the internet and the new worlds of Twitter and blogging, I find myself with even more wonderful friends... You all know who you are... and whether we have met in person or not, the gift of friendship has not been diminished. I am forever grateful that somehow we have ended up in one another's lives...

As many of you now know, a month or so ago my car veered off the road into a parking lot. A new store had re-opened in town after being gone for about three years. I wandered in. This was not my plan. The store was breath-takingly gorgeous and without thought or hesitation I found myself inquiring about some part time help. This was not my plan. (Me of the "I could never work in retail" mentality!) And the next thing I know I've been hired and had a job. This was not my plan. But an amazing thing happened. I was put in a beautiful space with beautiful, warm, friendly and very funny people. And even though I have only known them for a month or so, I am proud to consider each and every one of them my friend. It is amazing, how in a very short period of time, friendships are cultivated. I'm not sure what steered my car off the road and into the parking lot that day, but I am awfully glad it did.

And so I thank you all for your amazing and kind friendships and please know, that not only am I ever so grateful, but you have my gift -- my simple, unwrapped, but amazing gift -- in return.