
My Firstborn, my daughter...

My Princess..
You make me proud... you make me proud to be your mother...
You make me realize that my parenting skills aren't so bad after all... and I must have done something right.
Otherwise I wouldn't have such a wonderful, considerate, kind, caring, thoughtful, polite, charming little girl...
Excuse me, Big girl...
Go chase your dreams
Go reach for the stars
You can do anything you want to do
You can be anything you want to be
I'll be right behind you
or right next to you,
if you prefer,
holding your hand every step of the way...

Happy Birthday my sweetheart
You've made me so proud!

Brother Christopher tugged at our heart strings today... he made his sister a Birthday card without being asked... He made it just because...

It was this last page that got me... When the two were very young they were the best of friends. As they grew older and went to school their friendship started to dissolve. I became nostalgic for their youth. And then suddenly over the past few months they have started to rediscover each other again...