For Japan With Love-Bloggers Day of Silence this Friday, March 18th.
I'm joining Natasha at Five Minutes just for Me. I was touched when I saw this. The tragedies of Japan have been weighing heavily on me. It seems so trivial to write about fashion, food, decor, St. Patrick's Day... the events of my life. The other day I wrote this post about The Simple Things. Because as a nation it seems we just want, want, want and seem not to be grateful for all that we do have... food, shelter and family. The most important things in life. The aim for this is to raise money and awareness for the people of Japan.
My heart breaks for our Japanese brothers and sisters... I really struggle to use the word victims... because in so many ways they are not. They are a strong and admirable nation. And frankly we could learn a lot from them. How do they, I wonder, remain so calm in the face of such a disaster? When so much, if not everything, has been taken away.
Yesterday, Christopher had to present his biography to his class and parents. He was Albert Einstein, creator of E =MC2. This formula, Christopher said, is used to make the atomic bomb. This formula was sent to President Roosevelt because the Germans were also trying to create this bomb. They were in the throes of WW2. He continued to report that Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 with a sheet of equations next to him. The last letter he wrote was for all nations to give up nuclear weapons. His report struck a chord.
And here we are some seventy years later and Japan is facing serious nuclear safety, caused not by war, but by a natural disaster. Our hearts are with them. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
If you would like to read some fictional books about nuclear devastation the following are some great choices.
Phoenix Rising by Karen Heesse. Rebecca had to read this over the summer
On the Beach, and A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute
Hiroshima Mon Amour, Marguerite Duras
The guidelines are simple.
1. This coming Friday, March 18th, post nothing at all on your blog.
2. Please post about what you will be doing this Friday whenever possible in hopes to spread the word and whoever else would like to join in.
1. This coming Friday, March 18th, post nothing at all on your blog.
2. Please post about what you will be doing this Friday whenever possible in hopes to spread the word and whoever else would like to join in.
You can check out Ever Our's post here or Utterly Engaged's post here and do it your way if you'd like.
3. Tweet and Re-Tweet the link to http://www. please.
4.Whatever anyone can contribute will be appreciated.
Every little helps.
Feel free to ask other bloggers you like to join in on this. Whatever impact we can make will be so awesome.
Feel free to ask other bloggers you like to join in on this. Whatever impact we can make will be so awesome.
If you'd like to join in, please leave a comment with your blog name and a link here.
We would like to acknowledge who will be participating and give them our thanks.
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